
Vitrual Employment Resources Centre

here's a link to a one-stop employment resources website for job seekers, thanks for Kenny Siu's hard work.



SWOT是戰略管理和競爭情報的重要分析工具, 在個人的事業發展上, 能有效地提昇你對事業發展內外因素的現狀和變化的洞察力, 但要使SWOT發揮更大的威力, 還要把它立刻執行. 如何在漫長的職涯路上堅持理想, 切實執行從SWOT得到對自己事業發展可能的策略呢. 中國古代兵法的智慧在這里可以配合使用.

孫子兵法軍爭篇說. 『其疾如風, 其徐如林, 侵掠如火, 不動如山』.



策略不能只停於空談而必須採取行動, 迅速如狂風驟至, 這就是《疾如風,》;

計劃清晰, 步驟有条不紊, 像巖整的山林, 這是《徐如林》;

機會來時毫不遲疑以迅雷不及耳之勢奪之 , 這是《掠如火》;

無論處於順境逆境, 都保持平常心, 穩重從容,不亢不卑,堅持現在,放眼將來, 毫不動搖, 這是《不動如山》.

把中國兵法配合SWOT分析法應用, 會更好地達到你的事業發展目標.

Certification and licensing of career pratitioners in BC

Certification and licensing is good because it is a guarantee of quality, it is a process of professionalisation of career management practitioners.

why we need it is obviously simple.

it become complicated as it threatens many people's vested interests,
it become extremely complicated when it becomes a means of coercion.

to me it is simple:

As licensing = professionalism
we deliver our service professionally even with or without the license.